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About the Centre

The Centre brings together academic staff from across the arts and humanities, social sciences, medicine and healthcare studies.  We have strong links with other Centres in the School and work particularly closely with The Centre for Disability Studies, The Centre for Families Life Course and Generations and the Centre for Ethnicity and Racism Studies.

Research on gender and feminist scholarship has a long history at Leeds, and the University is home to many leading international feminist scholars. We enjoy excellent connections with Gender and Women’s Studies departments at universities regionally, nationally and internationally, and many of our students and visiting academics are from countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas. The Centre has a lively intellectual culture and is located in the School of Sociology and Social Policy in a newly renovated building in the centre of the campus. Above all, CIGS is a friendly, welcoming and enthusiastic home for those interested in any aspect of gender studies.

We have a large international student-base. We run MA Programmes and attract a large number of PhD students. We have an exciting research culture and organise a wide range of events inside and outside the University.