CIGS Christmas Celebration (Tuesday 13th Dec)
Tuesday 13th December, 4-6pm, Social Sciences Building 12.21 / 25
Come along to the CIGS Christmas Celebration - a chance to hear about exciting publications, research projects and other 2016 successes, and to celebrate the achievements of last year's MA students who will be graduating the following day.
Speakers will include:
- Rosey Hill talking about her new book, Gender, Metal and the Media: Women Fans and the Gendered Experience of Music (Palgrave, 2016)
- Karen Throsby discussing her book, Immersion: Marathon Swimming, Embodiment and Identity (Manchester University Press, 2016)
- Sally Hines introducing her new, ESRC-funded project on pregnant men.
- The event is free - all you have to do is register at the address below so that we can make sure we have enough mince pies. We're looking forward to seeing you there.
There will be lots of time to chat and catch up with staff and present and former students over drinks and nibbles, and all are welcome.
it's free to attend and all are welcome - please register at the address below so that we have an idea of numbers.