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Recognising Diversity? Gender and Sexual Equalities In Principle and Practice


recognising diversityDate: 20 June 2013, 9.00am
Location: The Carriage Works

Recognising Diversity? Gender and Sexual Equalities In Principle and Practice marks the end of the research project ‘Recognising Diversity?: Equalities In Principle and Practice’, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and carried out by Dr. Sally Hines in the Centre for Interdisciplinary Gender Studies (CIGS) at the University of Leeds.

The project was designed to provide knowledge transfer of Sally Hines’ previous research which explored understandings, meanings and significance of the UK Gender Recognition Act (GRA). Set within the context of an increasing legal, policy and political focus on ‘equality’ and ‘diversity,’ and a raft of other legal and policy shifts around gender and sexuality, the GRA promised increased rights and recognition for trans people. Yet, the project found that whilst some trans people were afforded increased levels of citizenship, others were further marginalised. Fuelled by ‘rights based’ claims for inclusion founded on notions of ‘sameness’, findings from the project suggested that equality and diversity agendas fail to account for ‘difference’.

This two day Conference explores these issues in relation to UK gender and sexualities equalities and diversities more broadly. In keeping with the aims of the knowledge transfer award, it seeks to bring academics working around equalities and diversities together with policy makers, activists, journalists, artists, and campaigning/support organisations to explore the significance of recent UK cultural, social, political, legal, and policy shifts which address gender and sexuality. The conference will centre the importance of dialogue both across academic disciplines and between academic and non-academic members and user group communities.

For full details of speakers and conference timetable see the Recognising Diversity Conference Programme

Conference Contact: Stefanie Boulila: Email:

Conference Fees

  • 2 Day Waged: £150 (including conference dinner)
  • 2 Day Unwaged/Student: £50 (including conference dinner)
  • Thursday 1 Day Waged: £100 (including conference dinner)
  • Thursday 1 Day Unwaged/Student: £30 (including conference dinner)
  • Friday 1 Day Waged: £80
  • Friday 1 Day Unwaged: £25