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Between 'genesic vice' and the normalization of homosexuality in Portugal: Egas Moniz's The sexual life (1901)

CIGS Seminar Series 2011-12

Date: 23 May 2012, 4.00pm
Location: Seminar Room, Beech Grove House

Centre for Interdisciplinary Gender Studies Seminar Series


This paper places the discussions on male homosexuality by the Portuguese doctor Egas Moniz within the context of Portuguese and European sexual sciences. By means of a detailed examination of his A Vida Sexual, a contribution is made to studies on the thought of Egas Moniz himself, the context of Portuguese discourse on (homo)sexuality and the relations between Portuguese and European scientific discourses. His discourse on homosexuality “naturalised” homosexuality by accepting that it had been practised since “time immemorial” and amongst animals other than humans, thus providing a plea to treat the question in a more humane manner.